financial lease and operating lease
The therapy of hurriers varied – but physical punishment was widespread. Occasionally a collier was prosecuted when he went also far, as in the case of a single who belted a hurrier in Waterhouse’s pit at Lindley in 1849 or the Kirkheaton collier who assaulted 1 in 1864. A hurrier was virtually throttled” by a collier in an argument about a tub in a Lepton pit in 1868. (33) Colliers could also be protective towards their hurriers if other people interfered with them. At Emley in 1856 an argument among two boys about the proper of way in the gate resulted in a single hurrier tipping the on-coming empty tub off the rails. He was consequently kicked by the other hurrier’s collier, despite the fact that complete tubs enroute to the pit bottom customarily had precedence. (34). A banksman was assaulted at Moorhouse’s pit at New Mill in 1857 by …