Buy And Hold Strategies Are Now Called Buy And Pray
There is a common definition of two big areas of stock investments: fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Fundamental analysis is a more common and old type on investment where you evaluate a company’s profile and see if you believe that they are either over-priced or low-priced. This type of analysis is used by big time market players as Warren Buffet and Benjamin Graham.
Technical analysis on the other hand, is becoming widely popular and is getting more and more attention from the media. This is especially true since nowadays, many proclaim that the old and (not-so) safe strategy of “Buy-and-Hold” is now long dead. This has some truth in when you take Japan as an example: did you know that an investor how has bought some shares thirty years ago on the Japanese stock market, has now pretty much the same amount of money? No profit, no loss. Great!
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Buy And Hold Strategies Are Now Called Buy And Pray Read More